The following information displays:



Associate Name

If you have access to multiple associate schedules, select the associate you want from the drop-down menu.


Enter the date you want to display for the associate assignment.

Up/Down Arrow

Changes the sequence of the patients being seen. A change in sequence alters the route and the direction.


The order in which the patients will be seen on the day you select.

Patient Name/Location

The patient names that display on the associate's schedule. If you are adding a location, the location name also displays.


The address or location listed.

Service Date

The scheduled service date.

Time In/Out

Time in/out schedule and/or verified.

# Miles

Calculated mileage from mapping.

Reimbursement Mile

Number of miles documented for a verified service.


Enter your comments.


Insert a location after the row selected (for example, home, office, lab, hospital).


Delete a row.

Route Type

Select Shortest, Fastest, or Pedestrian route.


English and Spanish versions are available.


Select routes to avoid.

Enhanced Narrative

Provides more detailed information about directions.

Include Map

If selected, displays a routing map based on patient location and sequence.

Get Directions

If selected, displays directions and map.

Print Route

Prints the routing map and directions.


Cancels the display.

Save Mileage Reimbursement for Payroll

Select to attach the number of reimbursed miles to each payroll record associated with each patient listed.  Before you can attach reimbursed mileage to a payroll record, you must activate the Reimburse Mileage based on Directions rule in the Agency master file.



When you make changes to the Patient/Location information (inserting or deleting addresses, or changing the sequence), the changes are saved as part of the associate mapping for the date. When you display information for the same associate or date, the last changes you made are displayed.  Be sure to update the security role for any user that requires access to the directions/mapping features.




The "Get Directions" feature is currently not working.  You will get the following error if you click on "Get Directions". 



But you can get directions once you enter the address information by clicking on "View Map and Directions in Google Maps which will take you to the Google Maps and the addresses you entered will flow to that.