ORG REPORTS TAB - Careficient Users Only

There are options to add more reports to your agency but a Careficient User would need to do this. 

To add a new report, click on the "Add Report" icon.

You will be asked if you are sure you want to add the report.  Click "OK" to confirm.

Some reports give you the option to add as a batch report or an adhoc report.  It auto-populates to Batch, to choose adhoc, click the drop down and change to adhoc.

The following reports are available:


Aegis Image Upload Errors

AMS 1500

AMS 1500 (08-05)

AMS 837

AMS 837 Reject 

AMS AgencyBillRateXLS

AMS AssociateXLS - Associate List for active associates

AMS AuthorizationMissing

AMS AuthorizationMissingXLS

AMS Authorizations

AMS AuthorizationsXLS

AMS Batch Error List

AMS Bereavement

AMS Billed 

AMS BilledInvoiceXLS - All invoices billed for the entire reporting week

AMS CashPostedXLS - All payments received and how much of each payment was applied to either invoices or agency accounts for the entire reporting week

AMS Copay Invoice

AMS Demo


AMS Forms


AMS GenericAdhoc

AMS GenericFax

AMS GenericInvoice

AMS GlobalOrdersEmail

AMS GlobalOrdersFAx

AMS GlobalOrdersPrint

AMS HIS_Response_File

AMS ImageUploadErrors

AMS InvoiceErrorsXLS

AMS Oasis

AMS Orders


AMS PatientFact

AMS PatientListXLS - Patient List for active, pending and hold patients

AMS PayerAuthorizationDueReport

AMS PayerAuthorizationDueReportXLS

AMS PayerBillRateXLS

AMS PayerReports

AMS PayerSummary_W

AMS PhysicianListXLS - Referral Source Report for active physicians


AMS ServiceNote

AMS ServiceNote_MinMax

AMS StatisticsPatient

AMS StatisticsPatientXLS

AMS StatisticsService

AMS StatisticsServiceCategory

AMS StatisticsServiceXLS

AMS StatisticstypeOfStaff



AMSLTR Letters