To create this report for a specific patient, use the following path: Patients > Patient Encounters > Find/Select a Patient

Select the Service Notes tab

Enter a date range if necessary (defaults to 60 day prior to current day).  Select the”Search” button to display a list of Service Notes based on the date range you selected.  Select the Min/Max link.

Enter "VIT" for “vitals” as your search criteria, which searches all sections that have “VIT” within the section and click "Continue.  You can also search for other items within the service notes that may contain ranges such as the pain assessment and Endocrine/Hematopoetic Assessment v2.  

Your “Service Note Min Max Report” displays on the screen.   You can save the report to your device or print the report.

To create this report for all your patients for a specific timeframe, click here Service Note Report.